Learn Your Multiplication Tables

How to Learn

Your life will be a lot easier when you can simply remember the multiplication tables.

So … train your memory!

So, the two main ways for you to learn the multiplication table are:

  • Reading over the table
  • Exercising using the Math Trainer

But here are some “tips” to help you even more:

Tip 1: Order Does Not Matter


When we multiply two numbers, it does not matter which is
first or second, the answer is always the same.

Example: 3×5=15, and 5×3=15

Another Example: 2×9=18, and 9×2=18

In fact half of the table is a mirror image of the other!

So, don’t memorize both “3×5” and “5×3”, just memorize that “a 3 and a 5 make 15” when multiplied.

This is very important! It nearly cuts the whole job in half.

In your mind you should think of
3 and 5 “together” making 15.

so you should be thinking something like this:

Tip 2: Learn the Tables in “Chunks”

It is too hard to put the whole table into your memory at once. So, learn it in “chunks” …

A  Start by learning the 5 times table.

B  Then learn up to 9 times 5.

C  Is the same as B, except the questions are the other way around. Learn it too.

D   Lastly learn the “6×6 to 9×9” chunk

Then bring it all together by practicing the whole “10 Times Table”

And you will know your 10 Times Table!


Some Patterns

There are some patterns which can help you remember:

 is just doubling the number. The same as adding the number to itself.

2×2=4, 2×3=6, 2×4=8, etc.

So the pattern is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

(And once you remember those, you also know 3×2, 4×2, 5×2, etc., right?)

 has a pattern: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. It ends in either 0 or 5.



 has a pattern, too: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90

Now, notice how the “ones” place goes down: 9,8,7,6, …? And at the same time, the “tens” place goes up: 1,2,3,…? Well, your hands can help!

Example: to multiply 9 by 8: hold your 8th finger down, and you can count “7” and “2” … the answer is 72

10× is maybe the easiest of them all … just put a zero after it.

10×2=20, 10×3=30, 10×4=40, etc.

The Hardest Ones

For me the hardest ones are 6×7=42, 6×8=48 and 7×8=56. I often have to say in my mind:

“six sevens are forty-two”, “six eights are forty-eight”, “seven eights are fifty-six”

What About the 12 Times Table?

Sounds tough, but once you have mastered the 10× table, it is just a few steps away.

Firstly, 11× is mostly easy: from 11×2 to 11×9 you just put the two digits together. 11×2=22, 11×3=33, …, 11×9=99.
And of course 2×, 5× and 10× just follow their simple rules you know already, so it just leaves these to remember:

  • 3×12=36,
  • 4×12=48,
  • 6×12=72,
  • 7×12=84,
  • 8×12=96,
  • 9×12=108
And the “Big 3”:

  • 11×11=121,
  • 11×12=132 and
  • 12×12=144




         Speed Tables



How quickly can you complete these multiplication squares?

X 3 5 6 4 1 9 8 2 7 10









3 4 6 5 2 1 8 9 7 10







Do lets us know how much time you took ?


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